Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the 5,000 people you meet on the internet

hi there. again i wanted to remind everyone that you CAN comment here without having to register for anything, because some people are still asking me about that. you can comment anonymously by checking "anonymous," or you can just check "other" and then type in your name. or your nickname, or your stripper name, or whatever your heart desires.

my myspace account was "phished" tonight. if you don't know what that means, it means that (apparently, though i don't understand how) someone else has gotten a hold of your email address and password and myspace has somehow caught that it wasn't you (how, i have absolutely no idea, because i have often signed in on another computer while i was still signed in on mine and nothing ever happened) and blocked your account so you can't post bulletins or send messages or leave comments or anything. so then you have to click on the prompts to change your password and with that, your page is unblocked. okay. now i know that this happens to people fairly often (though i only started hearing about it recently), but i've had myspace for four and a half years and this was the first time it ever happened to me. personally i think it's some kind of weird myspace bullshit thing that has nothing to do with a third party "stealing" your password or whatever. but that aside, i'm angry. i had to change my password, after four fucking years. nonsense, i tell you. i don't like my privacy messed with in that way. well, in any way actually. who does, i guess.

i just needed to vent about that really. but then i started thinking about social networking sites. personally i think they're amazing. i know that i'm not talking about anything groundbreaking here and i really don't need to elaborate, so i'm not going to. it's just one of those things that i take for granted every day, like...electricity! you flip the switch and you have light. and it's actually amazing. think about it. and every single day i have access to people from all over the WORLD. i can find old friends, make new ones, find people with similar interests, ask people i don't know very well questions about different cities and events and shows and...WHATEVER, and i can keep in touch with my friends in different cities and states and countries. i can keep up with their lives without necessarily having to wonder why they haven't emailed me back today, or if it's a bad time to call...everyone is just...THERE. just sit there for a minute and think about that. think about the people you've met because of myspace (or facebook, or whatever). or even just "met." think about the people you may have totally lost touch with or have become closer to because of it. think of the people and the things you've discovered. i guess this post is more of a prelude to my post about "four eyed monsters" than anything. which reminds me, go watch. ;)

i'll write again soon...

1 comment:

Alix! said...

Yeah I just added one of my profs from college on Facebook and I haven't really talked to him in about a year and a half, and he messaged me about the photos I took in Japan and Thailand.

I love MySpace and Facebook when it comes to seeing what friends are up to and being able to easily communicate with them.