Saturday, July 28, 2007

i'm not a robot...

...but the word makes me laugh. robots in theory are funny to me; robots in actuality scare the shit out of me. so if you get me a robot shirt, we're cool. if you create and deliver my robot twin to my front door like that chinese guy who was on jimmy kimmel, we're not friends anymore. but as much as i don't wish to cohabitate with one, i have to admit that robots have something good going for them. they don't feel...anything. alright, i know that's very emo and the tin man needs a heart and all that, but really. robot love, if it were to exist, would be so simple. and i'll be honest here: not only am i a complicated girl, but i'm GLAD that i am. i embrace it. i know that as deeply as things hurt me sometimes, that only means that the good things feel THAT much better. my emotions run deep, yadda yadda. but some days, as they say...are better than others.

and now i have not only writer's block (yes, already), but also a headache, which is just one more condition in a list of many from which robots do not have to suffer.

but i'll be back (get it?)...

like the terminator.


arlan said...

i love this. its like the beginning of a book or something. such great writing...i wanna see moooore :-)

Sarah said...

thank you! there will be more!

Zaki Q said...

you know what, with this blogpost which tells me you like to write, I think you'd enjoy being a part of the Newsvine community. I'm gonna send you an invite.


Sunshine said...

That robot is creepy. What the shit? I kind of want a body double robot, so I can be in two places at once. Right? Convienient purposes.

I wonder if that robot has a penis... (just curiosity. seriously.)