Sunday, October 14, 2007

the most random of all random

who loves cell phones? i do! it's that time of year again when lots of new phones are getting ready to come out, just in time for christmas. i'm getting jumpy. i like my phone a lot, but there's a new sidekick coming out, there's a new INTERNATIONAL blackberry for verizon; a new touch screen LG for verizon that should be out soon as well. if the internet browser deal was better on my phone, i would be content. but at the same time, you can't beat five bucks a month (for internet) and a 2.0 megapixel camera. so i'm going to stop bitching.

okay i have a question for youguys. what should i be for halloween? for the past few years, i've spent like 11 months out of the year saying, "i'm going to be _____ for halloween this/next year!" and then it comes around and not only do i not dress up, but i don't even celebrate. sometimes it's my choice, sometimes it's not. last year we were in new york celebrating my friend alix's birthday and birthday fun totally took over. but this year...i want to wear a costume, damnit. here are just a few of the many ideas i've accumulated over the past few years:
  • garth from "wayne's world"
  • beavis
  • robot (i've considered all different kinds; help me narrow it down!)
  • grapes
  • ipod
  • cell phone
  • vampire
input is much appreciated. seriously.

i'm really not a big fan of halloween, to be honest. that's mostly because it's during fall, which is my least favorite time of year. BUT, i do love the holiday season, and dontcha know that as soon as halloween's over, everybody seems to be in holiday mode. so if i get to dress up and eat lots of candy in anticipation of that, i'm down. i may even go to a haunted house this year. any excuse to drink hot chocolate, really. ;)

on a completely unrelated note, does anyone watch the new hbo show "tell me you love me"? the long and short of it is...mostly unattractive people, quite a bit of sex, not a lot of dialogue. lots of mom jeans. anybody watch it? can we discuss this?


arlan said...

be grapes.

Anonymous said...


th-Inker said...'re cute. I love halloween with a passion, and it happens to be the only holiday i celebrate, so maybe I can help....maybe.

I suggest not spending that much money if you're not even going to be into it that much. No one like buyers remorse.

That being said, a lot of your costumes would be expensive to make yourself, so you might just want to stick with one of those cheap packaged deals....Midnight Fairy is one of my favorites.

So I guess I totally didn't help there at all.....

Anonymous said...

How in the hell are you going to be a bunch of grapes?

A said...

A very tall R2D2?

JESSE spiro said...

Be a really big red-box robot.