Wednesday, December 12, 2007


i think that it's important to remember that although we often find comfort in realizing that we are not alone and that other people do feel and go through many of the same things that we do, no one else on earth is EXACTLY like you. that may seem an obvious statement; an empowering one, or possibly a scary one. but the thing is, lately i've found myself comparing, well, myself, and my relationship, with my friends and their relationships and it's not done me good. i've stopped doing that. it does nothing but hurt me and make me feel isolated and sometimes inadequate. the truth is that there is no ONE "correct" path. and even though i've known what i ultimately want for the majority of my life, it eventually hit me that i had absolutely no real idea of how to get there. fortunately it's becoming more and more clear to me, and i think that's because i'm not thinking about things in regard to how they measure up to other people's standards or situations or to the way i'm viewed. i'm thinking about what works for me. i think i'm...hmm. i think i'm starting to...find myself.

it's so easy to get caught up in what you think you should be doing. it's so easy to get caught up in other people's expectations of you, and, in my case, the expectations i've always had for myself. i haven't lowered those, but growing up eventually forces you to realize that everything is not black and white. life is a gray, gray, gray area. there are lots of ways to reach your destination. every day is important, and every experience, and every person who comes into your life is going to shape you in one way or another. the key is allowing for that to happen. it doesn't mean that you have to give up your dreams or what you've always wanted for yourself, but priorities change and that is not always a bad thing. sometimes it helps to put things into perspective and allows you to map out that path in a way that makes sense for YOU. the moral of my story here? be strong and push forward, but let things and people influence you. you never know what you may learn about yourself.

i want to plug my mom's blog again right now since i have not been doing that at all lately! she's been writing some really good stuff so you should definitely check it out:

i'm sorry i haven't been writing much. i promise i'll be better. :) and tell arlan that we need to get that loveline thing up and running. youguys would watch that, right?


Anonymous said...

I don't really have time to comment right now, but I wanted to let you know that I really, really like this entry. And I love you! And HAPPY CHRISTMAS! And I suddenly got emotional as I typed that and wanted to cry! And if you haven't heard Leona Lewis' Bleeding Love, you should download it because that is playing on the radio right now, and she was a British X-Factor winner, so you may not have her there but her voice makes me cry. OKAY I LOVE YOU BYE

Judi said...

Amen,you finally get it.